Thursday, January 21, 2010

7 Langkah Ke Arah Pemakanan Sihat (Bhgn 7)

Langkah 7: Air Amat Penting

  • Badan anda akan kehilangan air sepanjang hari melalui perpeluhan dan perkumuhan. Oleh itu, jangan tunggu sampai anda berasa dahaga sebelum minum. 
  • Minum sekurang-kurangnya 8 gelas air setiap hari supaya sentiasa cukup air. 
  • Air juga boleh didapati dari susu, minuman, sup, buah-buahan
    dan sayur-sayuran.

Sumber: Laman web Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga & Masyarakat


Ini adalah bahagian terakhir untuk post "7 Langkah Ke Arah Pemakanan Sihat". Untuk membaca bahagian-bahagian awal, sila ke link berikut:
Bahagian satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam


Lee said...

Hello Ziedazzle, very good to drink lots of water, get good complexion.
But better still minum Chinese green tea.
Minum empat ke lima cups satu hari, very good for your health, prevents a lot of health problems, but not sure if maid problems, ha ha.

You stay beautiful and have a pleasant weekend, Lee.

Azie Ziedazzle said...

Hi Uncle Lee, thanks for dropping by. Ya la Uncle, my husband & I had taken the green tea for daily basis already. But last weekend, we went to a seminar at KL and we're so buzy that we forgot to bring along the tea, at the end of the day we felt so tired and no energy la, all because we forgot to drink the tea. So note for me next time, if i want to stay energetic, dont forget to drink the tea, especially in the morning haha!!

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